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Vietnamese Made B2B Marketplace
With the advances of technology, the world has become a global economy. This has created numerous business opportunities for many companies. Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) are now finding it possible to promote their companies and products or services to the global markets with virtually no or very minimal costs.
UK Exporters
The British Exporters listed are generally seeking new business in the country listed, some are seeking Agents or Distributors, some are looking to add to their business partners / customers in the region. Email the companies direct using the links and personal contacts provided.
Introduction of firms that perform business in subjects connected to the sector of accessories and watches made with gold, silver, gems, precious and semiprecious stones to all persons/firms in relation with the subject in the world and in Turkey by the agency of this portal and by taking the maximum advantage of today’s internet technology.
Trade with Taiwan
Thank you for your interest in Taiwantrade! If you have looked into relevant links and websites and are still unable to identify the information you need, please contact us and specify your needs with as many details as possible. We will reply to you as soon as we can
St.Petersburg Trade Development Centre
We are official trade promotion organization of North-West Russia, providing assistance to foreign companies in establishing contacts with potential Russian partners, suppliers and customers - and linking Russian companies with international markets.
Проект основан в сентябре 2005 года Смирновым А.М, выпускником Нижегородского гос. Университета им. Н.И. Лобачевского, факультета Вычислительной Математикии и Кибернетики. В 2012 году проекту исполнилось 7 лет.
В 2011 году по заказу основателя была разработана система управления проектом, созданная специально для и в полной мере удовлетворяющая современному положению вещей в интернет-среде.
Your local business search engine, provides more innovative ways to discover, find and connect when searching for local information. Accessing local businesses information is now as easy as googling it.
Nortrade is Norway's most complete overview of exporting companies and international trade. We also provide you with a comprehensive overview of news, articles and links to make your information search easier when looking to do business with Norway. In short terms – your gateway to the Norwegian export market.
Business Moldova
Guide to Lithuanian business information
Kenya Details
Kenya Details is a community website dedicated to providing free information on information in Kenya. Our free online matter contains very useful information on all related sectors/ industries in Kenya.
Iran Tender
Business Italy
Italy is a very interesting market both for sales and purchase.
Our mission is to help foreign Companies find their bearings in our market looking for the right Italian commercial partner.
Thanks to our network of market consultants we can offer a full range of services and you can choose a tailor-made product for your business strategies, saving time and money.
HKPRODUCTS.NET is one of the best-known B2B online trading platforms in the world. It is a comprehensive directory for general merchandise sourcing with 50 distinct, user friendly and time saving product categories and over 1 million products online. The website was launched with the name "" in 1999, and renamed to "" in 2003. It is run by Global Trade Promotions Ltd.
Egypt Import Export provides Egyptian companies with content and services which can help their members go international.
Wer liefert was
"Wer liefert was" is a website for the business sector searching for service providers and product suppliers. Our intelligent search system links synonymous search terms, ensuring that the user always lands under the right heading, in this way creating qualified contacts. This guarantees direct hits and saves on your budget.
MARKET.GE - Georgian Market
Find out contact and business information of various companies and organizations in Georgia by visiting the preferable category from the left menu "Business Directory" of our website. is an online b2b marketplace for global trade and is the leading provider of online marketing services for importers and exporters. is the number one destination for buyers and sellers to find trade opportunities and promote their businesses online (like trade leads etc.).
"Spyur" is a unique information company that has been collecting, processing and disseminating information about companies and organizations of Armenia since 1992.
This Trade Portal is a specialised international source of free useful information for companies, entrepreneurs, traders and other commercial subjects operated by the Czech Association for Enterprise Development.
Australia wholesalers
Australia wholesalers, dropshippers and suppliers directory. One stop shop for all you wholesale sourcing needs. Latest wholesale offers and bargain deals are also available. is a Business-to-Business Forum for both Austrian and international companies looking to export or import goods and services and to create new business-relationships.
Global Business to Business Portal consists of storefronts, catalog repository,
e-marketplace, trade leads, messaging system, e-procurement, supply chain
solutions and many more unique and powerful features.
The Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises
The Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency (BSMEPA) was established in 2004 with the Ministry of Economy and Energy of Republic of Bulgaria. BSMEPA is a Government institution and its main functions are focused on the implementation of the Bulgarian Government’s policy for small and medium enterprises (SME).
Hungarian Investment and Trade Agency
HITA started operating on 1 January 2011. Currently we have 150 employees to assist foreign investors with the preparations of their investment projects in Hungary and to support export activities of Hungarian SMEs.
Business with India
Business with India has been in the service of Industry since 2001. This is a website designed & hosted in an effort to assist visitors to
Maintain close & direct touch with target audience
Seek & Exploit Business Opportunities
Direct & Two way interaction between manufacturers & channel partners looking for business opportunities.
ExportID has become the world's largest international manufacturer and export agent network.
Trade2CN ( is constructed and operated by China B-to-B Holdings Ltd. (hereinafter referred as Biztung), which is an affiliate of CIECC, a top 3rd party B2B Ecommerce provider in China.
EXPORT.BY Portal has been created by the National Centre for Marketing and Price Study in order to render informational support to Belarusian exporters for their products promotion on foreign market, and also advertise export potential of local manufacturers of industrial, intellectual and agricultural products.
Romanian Business Catalogue
Romanian Trade Catalogue
Business portal in Ukraine
EU trade portal provides information and assistance to foreign businesses interested in doing business with Japanese companies.
International Business Trade Leads Directory
Manufacturer Directory- Suppliers, Manufacturers, Exporters and Importers
Estonian news
Event calendar - Estonia
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